How to treat and relieve an ankle sprain

Ankle Sprain Treatment: What To Do When You’re Having Ankle Sprain

We’ve all been there: you’re running across the street, you trip, and your ankle twists. You’re in so much pain that you can’t even get up. The worst part is that it’s a simple sprain, and the best part is that it’s not even broken!

In this article, we’d be explaining what an ankle sprain is, what causes it, and lastly how to relieve an ankle sprain.

What is an ankle sprain?

An ankle sprain is a common injury that occurs when the ligaments supporting the joint on one of your ankles are torn or stretched. This can happen if you twist your ankle in a way that causes it to move out of alignment. An ankle sprain will often result in pain, tenderness, swelling, and bruising at the location of the injury.

What causes an ankle sprain?

Ankle sprains can be caused by any number of different activities, including:

-Skipping a step

-Walking too far on uneven ground

-Running or jumping off stairs or a curb

-Playing sports like soccer or basketball

a picture showing grades of a torn muscle ligament. how to relieve or treat ankle sprain
different grades of a torn muscle ligament

How to relieve ankle sprain at home

Ankle sprains are common, but they can still be a pain to deal with. If you find yourself in this situation, there are some things you can do to relieve the pain and help your ankle heal faster.

First, make sure you’re icing your ankle at all times. This will help reduce swelling and speed up the healing process.

If possible, elevate the injured foot so that blood can flow back into it. This can help reduce swelling and pain.

You might also consider wearing socks to bed at night if they’re not too tight—this will allow air to circulate around your ankle and keep it from becoming too hot or swollen.

Finally, don’t forget about your diet! Diet has been shown to be helpful in reducing inflammation and preventing future injuries from occurring.

If you were to follow the above tips, then your ankle sprain would be on its way to being healed. In that case, you can start to ease off on the treatment as your ankle will be alright.

Here at Unique Physiotherapy and Fitness Center, we offer a unique approach to recovery and well-being. We provide the most effective physiotherapy in Abuja to assist you with your pain and injuries. Our therapists work with you to customise a relaxation programme to meet your specific needs. Book a schedule with us today!

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