a man holding his calf due to muscle cramp, How to prevent muscle cramp and know the causes of muscle cramp

4 Ways To Prevent & Treat Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are annoying, painful, and can make you feel like you’re about to keel over. They can happen at any time of day or night, and they’re always there to remind you that your muscles are tired.

When you’re working out, we know you want to get the most out of your workout and not waste time or energy. But sometimes, even the best-laid plans can go awry! And that’s where muscle cramps come in.

What are muscle cramps?

Muscle cramps are common in the lower extremities, but they can also affect the upper body or even your face. They are caused by an interruption in blood flow to the muscles. This interruption causes a spasm and triggers painful contractions, which cause extreme discomfort and sometimes even pain throughout your body.

What Causes Muscle Cramps? 

There are several factors that can cause muscle cramps such as:

Exercising too intensely for too long


Lack of body movement

Lack of sleep


How To Prevent & Treat Muscle Cramps

1) Drink plenty of Water:

If you’re experiencing a cramp due to dehydration, drink water! At least two litres per day is recommended, but more is better! Try adding lemon slices to your water bottle so it tastes good! You should also drink at least 8 ounces per hour while exercising.

Drinking water will help prevent cramps by keeping your blood and muscles hydrated, which reduces the amount of lactic acid in your body. Plus, it’s just nice to drink some cold water when you’re feeling overheated!

2) Stretch:

The best way to prevent cramps is to stretch regularly. This not only gets you limber, but it also helps your body relax so that it doesn’t clench up as much when it’s supposed to be relaxing. This is especially important if you sit at a desk all day or exercise too intensely (like running).

Make sure you’re stretching before, during, and after your workouts.

3) Take frequent breaks:

If you work out at least 3 times per week, take a break every hour during your workout routine—even if you feel fine! This will help keep your blood flowing and prevent cramping from occurring in the first place.

4) Eat a healthy diet:

This means eating foods rich in iron and magnesium. You’ll want to avoid high-fat meals and sugary snacks, as they can make your muscles sore or fatigued. Stick with lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds—all the good stuff!

If you are determined to deal with your cramps and other symptoms, then try some of these methods and see if you notice any decrease in the pain or frequency. If yes, then great! But if not, you can book an appointment with us today to see a physiotherapist.

Here at Unique Physiotherapy and Fitness Center, we offer a unique approach to recovery and well-being. We provide the most effective physiotherapy in Abuja to assist you with your pain and injuries. Our therapists work with you to customise a relaxation programme to meet your specific needs. Book a schedule with us today!

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